Google Search Engine Rankings

Repair your Google Search Engine Rankings

Have you been demoted in SERP’s by the Google Panda algorithm or the Google Penguin algorithm? April 24th 2012 is the best indication that Google’s off-page Penguin algorithm is the cause of your penalty. If you see a drop in traffic on or around that date, then your linking profile is the cause.

An additional Penguin indicator is that your rankings drop the most for the most used exact match keywords in the anchor text in your backlinks. There is a free back-link checking tool Continue reading

Solar Lighting Installations

Solar Lighting Installation Tips

Advances in solar power technology have made solar powered lights more accessible and efficient than at any time before.

Mains powered lighting normally incurs much higher installation costs than solar powered lighting. Because solar doesn’t require a 240 volt supply, it is much more flexible.

Solar technology has developed Continue reading